Quality Discount Press Parts & Equipment, Inc. and AAA Press International, Inc. continues to establish itself as the first full-service parts supplier for pre-press accessories, press, and post-printing press accessories, custom projects, and an assortment of new printing related equipment in one phone call. Due to increased customer demand over the last eighteen years, the company created a separate company (Quality Discount Equipment. LLC) that specifically deals with business brokering (buying and selling) and seasoned/pre-owned/used equipment (broker, buyer, and seller). The 30+ year old company attributes their growth to their excellent customer service (team quality), quality in their products, great delivery, and extremely competitive pricing. QDPP & E and AAA Press continues to expand their product line based on input from their customers throughout the world with a combined over 80 years of experience. With our acquisition of AAA Press International, our combined industry experience reaches over 250 years. The company publishes comprehensive newsletters and a new unique designed interactive web page containing up to date products, services, and more. Contact them at (800) 646-2212 or (609) 646-2212, fax (609) 646-2255, web page or email or email

Quality Discount Press Parts & Equipment, Inc. and Quality Discount Equipment, LLC, serves the label, tag and narrow web, digital, packaging, wide web, digital (email:, and offset/sheetfed printing/converters in North, Central and South America, Canada, and foreign countries. We look forward to the opportunity to meet new customers and serve their business needs.
In addition to supplying new parts, consumables, accessories, flexographic and digital printing equipment and supplies (email:, we can offer rebuilt/repaired/reconditioned printing presses. We also get involved in custom projects & as we have engineering capabilities. Watch us as we have some new exciting printing related projects planned for 2020/2021 to assist printing companies in efficiency and productivity while saving them time and money.
Quality Discount continues to work, develop, and bring to the market new products that enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity of label, and tag printers. Our goal is to bring these products to our customers in the most cost-effective and efficient way possible.
Quality Discount Press Parts & Equipment, Inc. operates out of a 34,000 square foot warehouse in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA to better handle our growing customers’ needs, expand product lines and larger inventories to meet demands.
In addition to the products on our website and in our newsletter, QDPP distributes rewind tables, ultrasonic anilox cleaning systems, Impreglon anilox rolls, Praxair laser engraved ceramic anilox rolls and Apex laser engraved anilox rolls, Supercell products that include corecutters, video platemounting equipment, portable 12 & 24 roll anilox and print cylinder handling racks, roll handling carts with ejector boom or roll plateform, fan folders, manual and semi-automatic corecutters, plate mounters, UV systems and UV bulbs, anilox and plate cleaning brushes, tint sleeves, Dr. Blades, Dr. Blade assemblies – both regular and enclosed, die cavity foams, plate mounting tapes to include 3M Tapes and Industrial Supplies, Tesa, Harley, Eclipse and more, idler coverings, new rubber rollers, splicing tapes, fiber and nylon washers, circular and horizontal slitting and perf blades, material handling equipment, INX digital printing equipment and supplies (email:, add-on printing stations and many other parts, accessories and new equipment. The company repairs strobe lamps and many other types of printing equipment.
We can supply over 22,000 items. Can’t find a product? Contact us and we will!